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    How Do I Make A Special Order ?

    We welcome special orders, and can order most magazines, books, CDs, and Videos from Japan (including some hentai / AV). You can make a special order by sending an Email to or by clicking here to place the order and describe the item that you would like to order in the Comments box in the order form. Important: Special orders cannot be cancelled or returned once we order them from Japan.

    It is recommended that you include:

    • The title of the item ordered
    • The item's description (i.e. manga, magazine, book, CD etc.)
    • The item's ISBN or product number
    • The cost in YEN

    If you do not provide all of the information we may have difficulty locating the item for you.


    There are two methods of shipping from Japan to us -- Airmail and Surface mail. Airmail generally takes 2-3 weeks to reach us and Surface mail takes 5-6 weeks to reach us. The cost is an extra $6 for airmail. The cost for surface mail is included in the product's price. The price is usually 0.022 x the yen price. For example, if a manga costs 300 yen it will cost $6.60 plus the cost of shipping to you.

    CDs and Videos:

    CDs and videos are shipped from Japan to us by airmail, which usually takes 2-3 weeks to reach us.

    The price for CDs and DVDs is 0.0105 times the yen price + $3 * Number of CDs in the set. For example, a 3059 yen CD is: (3059 * 0.0105) + ($3 * 1) = $35.12 US, plus the cost of shipping to you ($2.50 per order or free with an order of 6 or more). A 3900 yen 4 CD set is: (3900 * 0.0105) + ($3 * 4) = $53.50 US.

    For LDs and VHS the price is 0.0105 times the yen price + $6 * Number of LDs/Tapes in the set. For example, a 4200 yen VHS tape is: (4200 * 0.0105) + ($6 * 1) = $50.10 US plus the cost of shipping to you ($2.50 per order or free with an order of 6 or more). A 2 LD set priced at 6000 yen would cost: (6000 * 0.0105) + ($6 * 2) = $75 US

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